New internships, new jobs, new cities, new friends… Summer once was the time of reconnection. Returning to camp and refreshing the friendship bracelets you made 12 months ago. Remembering what it was like to cannonball into the deep end of your neighborhood pool. Relaxing in familiarity, absent of any alarms… But now, summer is the start of many new chapters.
I remember arriving in NYC for my 2019 summer internship like it was yesterday. I was days away from my first day of work for Zac Posen, and I was a ball of nerves… like, worse than the knots your dainty gold necklaces get tied into when they fall to the bottom of your jewelry bag. “At least I can rest easy about having a clean, furnished apartment that I’ll be subleasing,” I kept thinking. Well, one of those statements were true. Upon opening the door of my facebook-found sublease, the “furnishings” consisted of a flimsy twin cot on the floor with a set of Office Max drawers to the side. This, of course, was far different than the photos posted online: a double bed with crisp linens, a side table with a full table-skirt and glass top, a gallery wall of fashionable frames, and a substantial chest of drawers. My mom and I locked eyes, and all we could do was laugh.
By the true grace of God, the next tenant of this NYC apartment reached out to me and asked if she could move in her belongings early. I still chuckle at my luck… my glamping stint lasted three days, and before long I was settling into my new, furnished apartment.
Still, something was off… I was hyper aware that these were not my belongings. If only I could accent with a throw pillow, put up a some picture frames, just make it feel more like my home. Don’t get me wrong, these shared furnishings were ever so cute, and an OBVIOUS step up from sleeping on the floor (no pun intended). But it’s all one can do but envision how they would decorate a new space, if they had a choice.
That’s why I wanted to make this week on Swells of Splendor all about how to accessorize new starts. It is easy to bring in a throw pillow for your new bed, tea towels for your new kitchen, a coffee mug of your own to add to an unfamiliar kitchen cabinet. Had Swells been around when I was in NYC, I know it would have improved my initial spirits.
So, stay tuned to see my rec’s for gifting smiles in new surroundings. And congrats to everyone’s exciting fresh starts!!
xo, wells

my blank nyc apartment